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Outdoor Safety for Older Adults

— Our modern, tech-focused lifestyles can find us in front of a screen for longer than we’d like to admit. A popular internet insult is to tell someone to “touch grass,” meaning step away from the computer and go outside. If that might describe you, it’s worth a reminder that spending time in nature is good... Read More

Make a Plan for Independent Aging

— Everyday is an opportunity to celebrate the vitality and resilience of older adults. Aging is life—everybody’s doing it! Most older adults want to maintain their independence for as long as possible. The best way to achieve that is to plan ahead and be proactive. There are many strategies and tips that can help older adults... Read More

Caring for Someone Who Hoards

— Lots of us have collections. Maybe you bring home a new refrigerator magnet from every vacation destination you visit. Perhaps you love jewelry and have a statement necklace for every occasion. Maybe rare baseball cards are carefully stored and organized in a box in your basement. But compulsive hoarding is different from an out-of-control collection... Read More

Pet Safety for Older Adults

— A February 2022 study from the University of Florida showed that when it comes to your memory health, your dog is indeed a very good boy! For that matter, your feline friends and even fish and turtles provide a brain boost. Sociology doctoral candidate Jennifer Applebaum led the study of 1,300 seniors, which found that... Read More

Insights from Finland About Senior Independence and Exercise

— Finland is known for valuing healthy, active living. And did you know that with the exception of Japan, Finland has the fastest-growing percentage of older adults of any country? University researchers in Finland are drawing on many studies of its older population to learn the best ways to keep seniors healthy and independent. Since December... Read More

Is It Safe to Exercise With Arthritis?

— May is Arthritis Awareness Month. Over 54 million people in the U.S. are living with arthritis, and with the aging of our population, that number will grow. Arthritis is the general term for a group of more than 100 conditions that affect the joints or the tissues around the joint. Osteoarthritis is the most common... Read More

When It Comes to Fall Prevention, Plan Ahead!

— We plan for health care during our senior years. We strategize our retirement finances. We make a plan about where to live, and how to remain socially connected. But there’s one other thing we might have forgotten. A new study shows that having a plan for preventing falls is also very important! In 2018, a... Read More

Tai Chi Lowers the Risk of Falls … And That’s Just the Beginning

— The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society recently confirmed that tai chi can be an excellent exercise to lower seniors’ risk of falling. Researchers from the University of Jaén in Spain examined the data from a number of studies, and reported: “There was high-quality evidence that tai chi significantly reduced the rate of falls by... Read More

Foot and Ankle Surgeons Offer Winter Weather Safety Tips

— Brrrr! Much of the country has seen frigid and treacherous weather during the first weeks of 2018. It’s so important for seniors to take precautions to avoid cold-related illness and injury. Maybe you put on a warm coat and a hat—but what about your feet? Older adults are at higher risk of falling, and are... Read More

Falls Raise a Senior’s Risk of a Car Accident

— September 22, 2017 is Falls Prevention Awareness Day, a great time to learn about the surprising relationship between two leading causes of injuries in older adults. Falls and car accidents are two common causes of serious injuries in older adults, and can lead to disability, loss of independence and even death. Experts note that certain... Read More